(815) 459-7299

Naturalists - Age 2 & 3

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Naturalists are 2 years old at the time of entrance to school. Classes meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Potty training is not required! Our small classroom sizes and compassionate teachers help create a warm and secure environment for your child’s first school experience.

The Naturalist program helps young children develop social skills, confidence, self-esteem and most importantly, a love for learning! Our age-appropriate, thematic curriculum helps nurture a child’s natural curiosity about the world he/she lives in. The thematic units include: Nursery Rhymes, Fall Frolics, People in my Neighborhood, Fun Festivities, All About Me, Storybook Characters, Experiencing Mixtures, Seeds and Flowers and Animals in the Zoo.

The classroom environment and routine is well planned and allows for both child choice and structured learning opportunities.


Parents are kept informed of upcoming events and activities with a monthly calendar and newsletter in addition to a daily "Conversation Starter". Parent/Teacher conferences are held in November and May. Parents are invited to a cookie party in December and our end-of-year picnic in April.

Sample Schedule

Creative Play offers a variety of learning areas where toddlers can do what they love: explore, push, pull, fill, dump and touch!

Typical learning areas include:

Construction/Blocks Gross and Fine Motor

Table Toys/Manipulative Art/Creative Expression

Discovery/Science Music

Art/Creative Expression Housekeeping/Dramatic Play

Snack time is a fun time to gather with friends, try new foods and practice manners. The children love to be read to at this time. Early literacy experts agree that reading to your child and engaging him/her in daily conversations help promote language development and future reading success!

These activities allow for group interaction with listening, sharing , problem solving, self-expression, music and language development.

Weather permitting, we take advantage of the beautiful grounds around our school for nature walks and outdoor play. Our playground equipment is perfect for large motor movement and fun!

Thank you for your interest in the naturalist program at Purple Moose Enrichment Preschool!
Contact us to learn more about the program, including enrollment information.

Summer Camp Registration Now Open!

Click to learn more and register for summer camp at Purple Moose!