(815) 459-7299

Explorers Age 4 & 5

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Program Overview

Explorers are 4 years old at the time of entrance to school. This program is offered mornings 9:00am-11:30am. Classes meet Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Tuesday, Thursday. The school year runs September through May.

The Explorers program is focused on preparing your preschooler for the Kindergarten experience. The curriculum is thematic with an emphasis on science and social studies. Within this structure, the preschool child will work on necessary skills required by school districts in areas of math, literacy, fine and gross motor and social/emotional development.

The classroom environment and routine is well planned and allows the child to make independent choices while providing a structure that promotes learning opportunities. Every day the teacher will provide the following areas for the Explorer:

Construction/Blocks Gross and Fine Motor

Math Art/Creative Expression

Discovery/Science Music

Language Arts Creative Dramatics

Readiness skills your child will be working on include:

Language Arts:

Identifying first/last name, naming and writing letters, rhyming, consonant sounds, recalling stories, sequencing events/

Social Studies:

Stating full name, age, address, phone number.


Observation, prediction, stating properties of physical environment, use of sample machines and understanding nutritional and physical needs.


Sorting, classifying, one to one correspondence, identifying numerals, writing numbers, creating patterns, geometric shapes, graphing, simple math problems.

Cooperation Stations

Part of the daily routine and provides the teacher and child to work on specific skills or for the preschooler to work as a team with classmates. During this time it also allows opportunities for extending/building students’ ideas.

Thank you for your interest in the Explorers program at Purple Moose Enrichment Preschool!
Contact us to learn more about the program, including enrollment information.

Summer Camp Registration Now Open!

Click to learn more and register for summer camp at Purple Moose!